The library of the Engelberg Monastery

Comprehensive educational opportunities

Education in Obwalden

The Swiss education system has a very high level inter­nationally. The canton of Obwalden offers an excellent range of schools for the primary and secon­dary levels of education, and an ideal starting point for post-secondary edu­cation.

Each community has its own public school where compulsory schooling can be com­pleted. The long-term “gymnasium” can be attend­ed and the bacca­laureate attained at the Obwalden Cantonal School in the capital of Sarnen.

The Abbey School in Engelberg even offers the possi­bility to obtain the bilingual bacca­laureate in German and Englis

The main technical colleges and uni­versities are only minutes away by train. It is also possi­ble to attend an inter­national school in Central Switzerland.

Additionally, Obwalden, with its Vocational and Continuing Edu­cation Center, offers com­prehen­sive career and continuing education deve­lop­ment opport­unities for adults.

The monastery library in Engelberg
The monastery library has been housing and maintaining the Engelberg Monastery’s books since its foundation in the 12th century.
Kantonsschule (cantonal grammar school) Obwalden in Sarnen
Modern architecture for smart minds – Kantonsschule (cantonal grammar school) Obwalden in Sarnen